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Tuesday, October 7, 2008 |
Ladies, these are e things to bring for chalet: toothbrush, facial foam, e laundry n clothes( ard two sets ba, u gals decide), yr fone charger, our fruitie cup, sweater/jacket, bags for dirty clothes n towel. For clubbing session, pls rmb to bring: nice clothes, heels or cover shoes, small pouch(if u wan to bring) n perfume(if u wan to). Here r sum things for those wearin contact lens de: lens container n solution. Na, rmb to brin our face towels wor. For our shampoo, body wash, toothpaste n drinks wil buy on e day of chalet. Hmmm.. E above r e things tt i thought of wat to brin in case sum forget or dunno.. Bt.. u can brin more things if u wan.. haha.. kiddin.. c ya ladies on 10th oct 08.. +wenhui+ |
(We GirLs) ♥ 11:41 PM |
Sunday, October 5, 2008 |
tIs is the club ii intr0duced..!! feel free t0 br0wse..!! dden up to u all whether wanna g0 an0t.. =)=) l0vel0ve NA |
(We GirLs) ♥ 7:00 PM |
Friday, October 3, 2008 |
here t0 remInd everI0ne..!! wat t0 brIng f0r chalet..!!~~~ 1. wehjpsm "FRUIT" cups.. 2. dress/ nIce nIce cl0thIng & sh0es f0r clubbIng 3. n0rmal cl0thIng 4. EVAN wil brIng wii 5. MERRY wil brIng speakers 6. NANA wil brIng dvds..? wahaha.. 7. NETNET wil brIng v0lleyball *mayb*? N.. N.. ii dunn0 wat else le leii.. wahaha..!! edIt if gt anIting i mIss 0ut.. tata..~~ NA |
(We GirLs) ♥ 4:36 PM |
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