gals!!!!! thks for e birthday celebration.. luv e bag tt u all bought for me.. my mum oso wanna snatch to use.. haha.. bt end up oso nvr use.. haha.. thks for e dinner n thks for cumin.. beri long we 8 gals nvr gather tgt gather liao.. thursday was reali happy.. thks to yr bfsss oso.. many many thks to u all.. haha.. hope next time our gatherin wil b able to c all of u!!! yeah.. haha.. muaCkzZZZZzzzzz to u all!!! +wenhui+
(We GirLs) ♥ 12:23 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
m0i biRthd@y
ermmm.. gals.. my birthday de celebration wil b on 13th nov(thursday) at 7pm (for those who able to make it) n those hu cant make it nvm.. i can wait de.. hee.. bt.. dun let me wait too long.. hee.. wil b at jp shoppin mall.. is at third level opp the mj shop.. new open de cafe ba.. ermmm.. dress code: causal.. haha.. kiddin abt e dress code.. anyway, hope to c all of u on tt day.. c ya!!! muaCkzzzzzzzz.. +wenhui+